Sunflower Meal:
Sunflower meal produces through seed oil pressing with or without crust. The amount of raw protein, raw yarns, and some other compositions of this meal is variable based on oil pressing method and mixed on not mixed by seed crust or its kernel.
Sunflower seed meal includes 0/43 percent of calcium and %1 of phosphorous, it is also a rich source for B vitamins. Up to now no toxic material recognized in this meal, Crust produced from sunflower seed peeling, is a good material source for ruminants. This crust is volumetric and it attracts molasses very good.
Sunflower seed meal has two types:
- Meal with sunflower crust
- Meal with crust is a meal with high level of fiber.
- Meal without sunflower crust
Meal without crust produces from seed kernel and sometimes it has fine grains of crust. Therefore, this type of meal called little crust meal.
Sunflower Meal Composition
The following table shows the necessary amino acids compositions exist in sunflower meal: Chemical specifications of sunflower meal produced by GOLBAHAR SEPAHAN Company are in correspondence with national standard number 322 as following table: