History of the company
Kesht Va Sanate Roghan Nabati Golbahar Sepahan Co. , Also known as KVSGS Co , Is one of the leading producers of edible oil in Iran . This company was founded in 2002 with the aim of extracting crude edible oil from oil seeds with capacity of 240¸000 tons per year . With regard to increase demand of edible oil in domestic and international markets , The company proceeded to establish the edible oil refinery plant with capacity of 100¸000 tons per year in 2012 .
Vision & Mission
Vision :To be in top 5 producers of crude , refined edible oils and meals in "M.E.N.A" and "ASIA"
Mission : Produce all types of high quality and healthy crude , Refined edible oils and Meals for B2C , B2B to distribute in both domestic and foreign markets based on : latest technology , professional ethics , commitment to meet customer needs , highest global standards by competent human resources with respect for environment and maximum profit and growth.
Quality control
All stages of production are controlled and confirmed by quality control department using the high performance devices . All testing methods are up-to-date and compatible with the ISIRI and international standards. This company has qualified for ISO 9001, ISO 22000 , HACCP and HALAL certificates.